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Family Dog Classes

Classes are offered as instructors become available.  Contact us if you have interest in a class not on the schedule.

Click on the links below for Class details and Registration forms


Puppy class is designed to start your puppy off on the right foot towards having good manners and being a happy family member. Socialization with other people and dogs as well as learning some basic obedience are goals of this class. You will be introduced to techniques for teaching basic manners such as sitting, lying down, coming when called and walking on a leash. These skills will be taught using food based positive reinforcement. Other topics included will be housebreaking, grooming and nutrition.

Puppies up to 20 weeks old can benefit from this class. They must have at least two puppy vaccinations before the date of the first class. Please provide proof of vaccines at the first class.

Very young puppies are at risk of communicable diseases; please consult your veterinarian about your puppy's needs in this setting.

: Maximum number of participants eight (8) per class. Classes are six (6) weeks

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Beyond Puppy

This  class is designed to continue where puppy class left off.  We will practice all the skills you learned in puppy class, from sits and downs to walking on a leash, and also learn to wait longer in a position before being released.  We will practice recalls, and sit for a friendly stranger without moving.  This class will further your communication with your dog and get you both ready to go on to more advanced training classes.

Prerequisite:  Must have taken a puppy class with EDOC.

Note : This is a drop-in class  Cost: $20 / $10 for EDOC members

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Basic I Obedience

Basic I Class Obedience class is for dogs who are 6 months of age or older, or a graduate from a puppy class. In this class you will learn walking on a loose leash and coming back when called, sit, stand, down, handling, focus & attention and working around distractions. There will be daily training for you to practice outside of class.

Note: Maximum number of participants eight (8) per class.
Classes are 1 hour long each week for six (6) weeks.

What to bring to class:

  • 4-foot leash (no retractable)
  • Regular flat collar (that has your dog's tags on it)
  • Martingale collar (all fabric, NO chain)
  • Small mat for your dog to lie on
  • Treats - very small (the size of a pea) and tasty (no kibble/regular dog food)
  • Treat Bag without velcro (plastic baggies won't work); canvas apron is recommended
  • Bags to pick up after your dog
  • Vaccine records - please provide a COPY showing your dog is current on DHP and Rabies vaccines.

    FOR SATURDAY CLASS ONLY: You can send vaccine records ahead of time to:


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Basic I Obedience - Saturday Class

This class is for family dogs and puppies at least 6-months old (or a puppy-class graduate). We will cover how to walk on a loose leash and come back when you call, sit, down wait/stay, focus & attention, and working around distractions. To enhance your training we will include exercises from other venues such as Agility, Scent Work and Rally.

We start with a 4-foot leash and a martingale collar, so bring those with you, as well as some tasty treats. We'll use positive reinforcement and small steps of success techniques. Btw, the martingale collar is for control, not correction, so be sure to fit it correctly. We'll check the sizing at first class.

Vaccine Records for SATURDAY CLASS - please provide a COPY showing your dog is current on DHP and Rabies vaccines. Scan/photo and send to


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Positive Reinforcement Basic I Obedience

Learn how to train your dog to perform the behaviors you want using positive reinforcement.  This class will cover the basics: sit, down, place (go to your bed or other spot), stay, come and more.  We'll start the process of loose-leash walking and cover some handling skills for basic husbandry.  We'll also work on some impulse-control exercises. This class is a great place to practice in a novel, high-distraction environment even if your dog already performs most of these skills at home. This class will be taught using a clicker and positive reinforcement techniques.

Evening class taught by: Aaron Otterstetter, maximum participants six (6) per class
Classes are 6 weeks

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Advanced Positive Reinforcement Obedience

This class builds on basics learned in the Positive Reinforcement Basic I Obedience class. This class will be taught using a clicker and positive reinforcement techniques.  

maximum participants: six (6) per class
Classes are 6 weeks

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Basic II Obedience/Canine Good Citizen Class

This class is for dogs who successfully complete the Basic I class and want to continue improving skills. Continued practice in walking on a loose leash, coming when called, sit, down, stand and stay are the core skills of this class.

Dogs will practice leaving tempting distractions, stay with a friendly stranger while handler goes out of sight, become comfortable with another person handling his or her body as occurs with a vet or groomer.

EDOC will offer an AKC Canine Good Citizen test on the 7th week of this class for those who would like to earn their CGC certificate.

Note: Maximum number of participants
eight (8) per class. Classes are six (6) weeks

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Beginner Rally Obedience

Rally is an AKC sport in which the dog and handler move together through a course of 10-20 stations.  Each station has a sign indicating the obedience skill to be performed.  You and your dog will learn the skills needed to complete a Novice Rally course.   At the completion of this class you will have the option of participating in Virtual Rally Novice titling sessions.

Maximum participants: 8

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Drop-in Rally Class

Each week a different Rally course will be set up.  An instructor will be available to answer questions and coach you through your runs.  The fee is $10 for the evening. 

Registration taken in Class

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Competition Obedience Classes

Click on the links below for Class details and Registration forms

Competition Novice Obedience

Nola and her dog Taff competing for their new Obedience title
This class is for handler and dog teams that are looking to further their foundation skills and learn the needed exercises to compete at the novice obedience level in AKC.

The class will teach the complicated, but fun skills needed to have beautiful heeling by breaking the pattern down into the static components and the moving components. The class will teach teams how to create fast straight recalls, fronts and finishes. The class will work on the stationary exercises – stand for exam and sit / down stays.

The emphasis in teaching all the above skills will be trained by using positive reinforcement to capture the wanted dog behaviors through shaping or luring. Handler and dog teams will learn how to use toy and food rewards to mark the wanted behaviors, work on impulse control, and have fun with their dog. This is a 6 week class, but the above concepts do take many months to learn.

This is a competition class. As such, it is expected that the dogs can work calmly in the proximity of other dogs and handlers and wait quietly in crates when necessary. It is not appropriate for reactive, fearful or overly vocal  or distracted dogs.

Prerequisites: Handler and dog teams must have good mat or crate behaviors, i.e.. your dog can quietly wait for it's turn in the building or if your dog is vocal – crating in the car between turns may be more appropriate.

Image on the Left: Taff, an Australian Shepherd

Note: Maximum number of participants six (6) per class. Classes are six (6) weeks

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Open Obedience

Nola's dog parker with his new CDX title.

The Open competition class continues the dog and handlers education toward qualifying for the AKC Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) title.

In addition to the skills needed for the Novice Class, the down on recall, retrieve on the flat and over the high jump and command discrimination plus broad jump, are taught.

Dogs will be at various levels in the training of each exercise so instruction is tailored accordingly.

This class will be taught using traditional methods.

Image on the Left: Parker, new CDX

Note: Maximum number of participants
six (6) per class. Classes are six (6) weeks

Instructors permission required

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The Utility competition class continues the dog and handlers education toward qualifying for the AKC Utility Dog (UD) title.

New skills added include signals, go-outs, directed jumping, directed retrieve and Scent Discrimination.

Dogs will be at various levels in the training of each exercise so instruction is tailored accordingly. Permission of the instructor is required to join this class.

This class will be taught using traditional methods.

Note: Maximum number of participants six (6) per class. Classes are six (6) weeks

Instructors permission required

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Beginning Scent Work

Scent Work is a fun activity for you and your dog. All dogs are welcome, old dogs, young dogs, dogs with handicaps. You may train to enter trials to earn titles or train just to have fun with your dog.

You will learn what Scent Work is, how to get started and how to build interest for your dog using boxes. Scent work does not require previous training, stimulates and mentally challenges your dog, it can be done anywhere and anytime, great activity for dogs that are not able to run around, great for handlers that may be mobility challenged, exciting to watch your dog use his natural abilities, builds your dog's confidence as they always succeed, minimal to no interaction with other dogs or people, no expensive equipment needed.

This class is for dogs that have no experience with Scent Work

Note: Maximum number of participants eight (8) per class. Classes are four (4) weeks, 45 minute long.

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Intermediate Scent Work

This class builds on skills learned at the beginning level. You will learn about finding odor and your dog indicating that they have found it. - This class will still focus on introducing Buried and Interior searches.

Prerequisite for this class: dogs that have taken beginning class or are with minimal experience but can find odor.

Note: Maximum number of participants eight (8) per class. Classes are four (4) weeks, 45 minute long.

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Advanced Scent Work

The advanced class will focus on only one of the AKC elements per class. Will work novice, advanced and excellent level concepts.

Prerequisite for this class: dogs that have taken beginning class or are with minimal experience but can find odor.

Note: Maximum number of participants eight (8) per class. Classes are five (5) weeks, 45 minute long. Wednesday

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Conformation Handling Class

Booker, a Boxer owned by Charlene George winning the International All Breed Canine Association Conformation Trial

EDOC's conformation class is open on a drop in basis on the day and time listed in the current class schedule.

This class is for handlers wanting to brush up on handling skills for the conformation show ring.

Class Date and Time: Ongoing - Tuesdays from 10:00am to 11:00am
Instructor: Jan Bradfelt

image to the left: Booker, a Boxer - owned by Charlene George

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Training Foundations

A dog that likes training is easier to train. There are a lot ways to train a dog and this class will cover various motivational methods. We will use Clicker/Marker training to teach shaping,luring and capturing. We will learn how to apply clicker training to teach leash skills and how to incorporate play into our training to further motivate our dog to engage with us, giving us more rewards to choose from. The more tools in your toolbox the more options you will have to teach your dog the skills they need to live with us. Build the foundation for engagement in your dog!

Note: Maximum number of participants eight (8) per class. Classes are six (6) weeks

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Crate to Gate

This class will help students come up with a warm-up routine to best prepare their dogs to perform in the show ring.  We will focus on Attention exercises, working through distractions and a predictable warm up pattern that can help the dog get ready to show. This class is appropriate for dogs who are getting ready to show in Rally or Obedience, or for dogs who are already competing.  It is assumed that the dogs in this class can work comfortably around other dogs and can wait calmly in a crate during discussions while waiting to work.

Note: Maximum number of participants six (6) per class. Classes are six (6) weeks

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Reducing Reinforcement!

This fun, but challenging class is for teams getting ready to compete in Obedience or Rally. Handlers will learn a systematic, fair method of reducing primary reinforcement in preparation for Obedience or Rally competition. Dogs will learn that working to criteria is the key to earning reinforcement. Handlers and dogs will gain confidence in their training which will carry over to their ring performance.

We will also work on attention, working through distractions and waiting quietly. Be ready to work hard and tax your brain during this session!

It is assumed that dogs in this class can work comfortably in the presence of other dogs/handlers and be quiet in their crates while waiting their turn. Teams do not have to be ring ready, but to fully maximize your experience in this class, dogs should have a number of behaviors they can perform confidently in multiple locations.

Note: Maximum number of participants six (6) per class. Classes are six (6) weeks

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Putting It All Together

Distractions And Other Important Pieces for Obedience Competition Dogs

In this class we will strengthen behaviors needed for competition. Hopefully dog shows are just around the corner and we have a few months to get everything tuned up for a successful show season.   This will include distraction training, what to do when things don't go well, how to improve the overall quality of your training, Join us for this trainer's Bootcamp! You and your dog will be challenged while having a lot of fun.

Dogs in this class MUST be able to work around other dogs and wait quietly for their turn.  If you have questions please email Kathy Sugitani at

Note: Maximum number of participants six (6) per class. Classes are six (6) weeks

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Parker and his handler competing in tha canine tracking trial.

Parker on the Third Corner


EDOC's tracking class is only offered in the fall and winter. There are 2 – 6 week sessions that prepares dogs and handlers for certification for the AKC Tracking Dog Test.

Session 1

We will start the dogs on asphalt and build a scenting foundation based on hard surface tracking, short grass tracking and transitions from hard surface to grass. Corners will be in grass. Article indication will be a fun game.  The foundation should help the dog understand scent whether the team’s goal is to work toward a TD (Tracking Dog) or a TDU (Tracking Dog Urban) title or just see what your dog can do with his nose in a “search and rescue” type game. This is a basic course. No experience is necessary. Only a leash and collar are needed for your dog for the first lesson, although a harness is fine if you have it.  Bring a positive attitude and a willingness to be out in all kinds of weather! 

6 lessons.  
Class Limit - 4
Masks Required

The fee is $150.

Session 2

We will move to a grass field and work on TD skills.  We’ll start with basics to get the dogs going in a new location. Each team will progress at their own pace and receive individual attention.  We will work on aging the track and building distance. We will work toward multiple corners from a strong start with a readable article indication at the end of the track.  Handlers will be coached in line handling and the basic tracking tenants of when to: 
a) stand still; 
b) move forward;
c) back up. 

Prerequisite:  Session 1 or previous experience.  

6 lessons.
Class Limit 4
Masks Required

The fee is $150.

Recommended Reading prior to class any of the following

William Sander's "Enthusiastic Tracking.
Glen Johnson "Tracking Dog";
Sandy Ganz & Susan Boyd "Tracking from the Ground Up"
Judy Adler "The Audible Nose"

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Pre Sports Dog Class

Have you wanted to try Competitive Obedience but unsure how to start?

This class is geared toward future/beginning obedience and/or beginning handlers. It will give you and your dog a fun start on foundation obedience behaviors. Positions, platforms, targeting, focus and attention will all be covered as well as other topics related to competition. Teach your dog great skills to move forward in his competition career.

Dogs should be comfortable working around other dogs and have completed some type of basic skills class.

Note: Maximum number of participants eight (8) per class. Classes are six (6) weeks

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Distractions and Fading Reinforcement for Competition Dogs

This class will help you set up appropriate challenges to help prepare you and your dog for competition. We will also work on fading reinforcement in a way that is fair and easy for your dog to understand.

Dogs can be at any level of training but must be able to work in the proximity of other dogs and be quiet while waiting their turn.

Note: Maximum number of participants (8) per class. Classes are six (6) weeks

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EDOC Class Schedule

All EDOC classes are $120 for 6 consecutive weekly sessions unless otherwise noted in the class details.
Classes are offered as instructors become available.  Contact us if you have interest in a class not on the schedule.

The wearing of masks in class is optional. EDOC is not responsible for human or canine illness of any kind.


Competition Novice Obedience

Start Date: September 23, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Instructor: Nancy Ryan

Maximum participants: 10

More about the class



Conformation Handling

Start Date: On Going
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Instructor: Jan Bradfeldt, Wendy Snyder
Drop-in: $10 a class

More about the class

Scent Work Class

Scent Work is a sport that uses our dogs' natural ability to use their noses. This class is for dogs and handlers of all levels, beginning through advanced, who want to compete in the fun sport of AKC Scent Work.

Start Date: TBD
Time: 5:30 PM
Melody Fair

Maximum participants: 8
This class is for dog and handlers that will compete in AKC Scent Work.

More about the class

The next session of this class will be in the Fall.


Open Obedience

Start Date: September 11, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM
Instructor: Sally Diess
Maximum participants: 6

More about the class

This Class is Full
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Start Date: September 11, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM
Instructor: Sally Diess
Maximum participants: 6

More about the class

This Class is Full
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Basic II Obedience

Start Date: TBD
Time: 5:30 PM
Janice Eubanks

Maximum participants: 8

More about the class

Basic I Obedience

Start Date: September 12, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM
Bernadette DePiero

Maximum participants: 8

More about the class


Drop-In Rally

Start Date: September 12, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM
Linda Kessel

More about the class

Register in Class


Puppy Class

Start Date: September 14, 2024
Time: 9:30
Instructor: Charlene George
Maximum number of students: 8

More about the class


Family Dog Basic I Obedience

Start Date: September 21, 2024
Time: 10:30 AM
Instructor: TR Pagel
Maximum number of students: 8
Note: See list of required equipment under "More about the class"

Vaccine records - please provide a COPY showing your dog is current on DHP and Rabies vaccines.
You can send vaccine records ahead of time to:

More about the class



Tracking Class

Start Date: October 29, 2023
Time: TBD
Instructor: Judy Stromquist
Maximum number of students: 5

Class Dates: October 29,
November 5th, 12th and 19th
December 3rd, and 17th

More about the class

The next session of this class will be in October.